1 min read

The VillageBOOM! Story

We started in 2021 as an email thread among a few parents to keep each other in the loop about local activities for our kids.

Pretty quickly more and more parents were jumping on the chain and it became a thing.

As more folks joined and shared events it made sense to just create a weekly newsletter compiling all the events into one simple email.

This took off and soon hundreds of local folks were signing up for the unofficial Fairfield events newsletter every month!

Eventually the weekly email got SO LONG with so many events it made sense to create a website where all community events could be listed and updated daily, thus the Fairfield Event List (.com) was born.

Every community event in one easy place.

Now running all this, maintaining the site, and constantly looking for events to add to the list every single day required a lot of work. If we wanted this community resource to continue for the long-term we had to figure out a way to support it financially and treat it as a business.

The idea of running ads just didn't sit right with us.

Every news website is FILLED with advertisements and it's super annoying when you just want to know what's going on. A business model built on shoving ads into people's eyeballs makes for a terrible user experience.

We didn't want that.

Instead, we built on the idea of being a community resource by offering access to our internal library of local marketing guides for any local civic group, business, and event organizer.

That's when VillageBOOM! was born.

Our aim is to provide low-cost marketing resources for every small town to help facilitate more connected communities.

Tie that in with a comprehensive, all-inclusive, daily updated event list and we will help our village boom.

Media: vb-at-villageboom-dot-org